'Frontera' (border, frontier): a real or imaginary dividing line; the extreme limit of understanding in a particular area.

In an era of aggressive nationalism and corporate mass surveillance, the human body has never been rendered so visible, subject to increasingly invasive forms of industrial-scale oversight and processing.

Borders are boundaries, but they're also processes, liminal spaces where despair, desire and neoliberal economic imperatives meet the obscure(d) operations of power. Surveillance technologies represent an advancing frontier of knowledge and control, monitoring movement, defining identities and gathering data. Increasingly, the border moves with the body, and seeks to organise and orchestrate its passage through the world.

With a light-based scenography by United Visual Artists (UVA) which articulates the dialogue between choreography, architecture and live music by Fly Pan Am and field recordings by Godspeed’s Dave Bryant, FRONTERA's 9 dancers navigate spaces of inclusion and exclusion; their bodies mapped in high resolution, their destinies unresolved.

As the public and private realms are consumed by monitoring technologies and tests of legitimacy, what space remains for the unruly, ungovernable body?

Choreography & Direction:
Dana Gingras

Visual concept & Scenography:
United Visual Artists

Live Music:
Fly Pan Am:

Jean-Sébastien Truchy : basse électrique, voix & électroniques

Roger Tellier-Craig : voix & électroniques

Jonathan Parant : voix, guitare électrique & électroniques

Samuel Bobony : batterie (Seulement depuis 2023, en remplacement du batteur et compositeur original Félix Morel. / Only since 2023, replacing original drummer and composer Félix Morel).

Executive producer:
Centre de Création O Vertigo
In Coproduction with Animals of Distinction

Robert Abubo, Justin de Luna, Lena Demnati, Stacey Desilier, Caroline Gravel, Louise Michel Jackson, Mark Medrano, Koliane Rochon-Prom Tep, Sovann Rochon-Prom Tep, Lexi Vajda.

Field recordings:
Dave Bryant

Ruth Little

Rehearsal director & Assistant to the choreographer:
Sarah Williams

Stage Management:
Mylène Caya

Technical Director:
Jean-François Piché

Sound Technician:
Radwan Ghazi Moumneh

Producer & Agent:
Sarah Rogers

Creation residencies:
Centre de Création O Vertigo, Place des Arts

Developed with support from the NAC’s National Creation Fund. Co produced by Danse Danse (Montreal), Sydney Festival, CTM Festival (Berlin) & PuSh International Arts Festival (Vancouver).


Étienne Lambert